Sunday, May 13, 2012


The most important gift from my mom…

Dear mom... As I have pondered over this, I am overwhelmed with how many things you have done for me and given me over the years.  As I grow older, I see more clearly and appreciate more deeply your presence in my life and all that that entails.  There are so many things I could pick as gifts from you… I could talk about all the sacrifices you have made since before I was born: carrying me, laboring me into the world, loving me through my ugliness and simply (or not so simply some days) keeping me alive to reach adulthood. You have been selfless on this journey.
I could talk about your infectious energy for life and all that you do.  You don’t sit still, your passion for learning and growing is contagious. Your strength amazes me and inspires me to try harder and give more generously.
The way you love others, and make them feel so comfortable is a gift that is beautiful to watch. You overflow with warmth and calm in situations that make me want to run away and hide. Thank you for showing me what courage in the Lord looks like.
But above all of these things your love for the Lord is the greatest gift to me. I know that it is your relationship with God that has made you who you are. Christ shining through you in these moments I have mentioned has impacted me more than words can express. Your joy in the Lord brings brightness to your family.  Your constant search for truth overflows to me and my children, and brings clarity to the dark places.
Thank you for always encouraging me to focus on the only thing that truly matters, Jesus! Thank you for teaching me truth and allowing me to be a part of what God has done and is doing in your life. I am so blessed to have a mom that looks up more than she looks out.  I love you mom!

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