Saturday, November 1, 2008

Happy Birthday Caleb!

Last night we celebrated Caleb's 2nd Birthday. He had such a good time and soaked up all of the attention. He finally got to enjoy some birthday cake, as he has been talking about it since Zachary's birthday. I am so thankful for this little man, he is such a joy to us. It is nearly impossible to capture a picture of him lately, as he has strong feelings towards the camera, but here he is displaying some of his excitement and his contagious laugh.


J and J McDowell said...

Oh how cute!!! Happy 2nd Birthday Caleb!! :) Austin keeps asking when we're going to get to see the Caleb who lives in California. He's really excited to see you guys this December... as are we all!

Bella @ Lil Daisies said...

So....why weren't we invited to this party with the awesome "DOO (ten fingered)year old" and his yummy "Bwert-day Cwake!" ????

Happy Birthday Big Guy!