Friday, September 19, 2008

Things I have been praying for this week

  • an extra set of arms (preferably "go go gadget arms")
  • patience
  • friendship
  • Kleenex... lots and lots of Kleenex
  • strength
  • endurance
  • a personal masseuse
  • a patient husband (which I have)
  • patience
  • patience
  • did I mention patience
I have been practicing taking deep breaths this week. At one point my darling Caleb must have seen my distress because he said, "ma ma... deep breath...." and he sucked in as much air as he could. I don't know what I would do without my little "helper," except maybe be taking fewer deep breaths. Oh how I love my sons!

1 comment:

Bella @ Lil Daisies said...

You are doing a good job Mama! I have been praying for some of those things too....though, sometimes I want to hold my breath until I pass out, hoping that moment will pass...but, ya know I don't.
Hang in there girl. Hugs to you and please, please, let's get together and walk at chat soon.