Saturday, May 31, 2008

Our Cute Little Felon

The other day I was going for a walk with the boys and I found a pair of underwear in the stroller. Never seen them before in my life... Hmmmm.. I thought.. where did these come from? I asked my mom...Brandon... Still no clue... Thinking....thinking... Ahah! I bought some underwear the other day at Walmart and Caleb must have been helping out. What a sweet boy... and he has pretty good taste! We did return it and I think I thought it was cuter than the lady behind the counter. You never know what a day will bring.

Sorry mom, I had to post it. (smile)

1 comment:

Bella @ Lil Daisies said...

Hey, those are mine!
LOL ---that is funny. Just think he is training to buy perty things for his future wife.
The picture of him looks like he could be in a strait jacket. Ha ha.