A couple of months ago Caleb started to notice the noises produced by our neighbor, especially the sound of the water turning on when he would take a shower. Caleb is a very sensitive little boy who has a lot of emotions running through his little head. In my great wisdom I told him that the noises were just our neighbor Tom. At first he was fine with it, but for the last month he has been terrified by any bump, thump or whir that his little ears pick up on. His green eyes widen to the size of small saucers while his lower lip gets lower and he cries out in terror "TOM...TOM..TOM"! Again, in my wisdom I try to explain to my almost 2 year old that Tom is a nice man who lives on the other side of the wall. At this point Caleb thinks that Tom is a monster who lives in the walls and on the roof and pretty much anywhere else he hears a noise. I have tried making a game out of it, I have tried taking it back and telling him that Tom is "all gone", and several weeks ago I finally took him over to meet Tom, thinking maybe that would help. Lets just say that didn't go too well. With all of my ideas falling short and Cabe finding it harder to take naps, I had the novel idea to pray. Immediately Caleb calmed down. Now when he gets scared of something we are making it a habit to pray. He puts his chubby little hands together in prayer and says Gee, which I know means Jesus. Just like me, he is learning to find comfort in prayer. When I find myself overwhelmed or fearful, it's power over me is diminished when I take it to the Lord in prayer. It is wonderful to watch my precious son discover this truth. He still mentions Tom a lot, but Tom is no longer a monster who lives in the wall. According to Caleb, Tom is the man who mows the lawn, always seems to be at work and drives a big car that goes VROOM.