Saturday, May 31, 2008

Our Cute Little Felon

The other day I was going for a walk with the boys and I found a pair of underwear in the stroller. Never seen them before in my life... Hmmmm.. I thought.. where did these come from? I asked my mom...Brandon... Still no clue... Thinking....thinking... Ahah! I bought some underwear the other day at Walmart and Caleb must have been helping out. What a sweet boy... and he has pretty good taste! We did return it and I think I thought it was cuter than the lady behind the counter. You never know what a day will bring.

Sorry mom, I had to post it. (smile)

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Prayers and Thankfulness

This morning I heard that Steven Curtis Chapman's 5 year old daughter was killed yesterday as she was hit by a truck driven by her older brother who was backing out of the driveway. I can't even begin to imagine the anguish that the family is going through. My heart aches for the mom and dad at the loss of a precious child, for the other children who lost a dear sister, and for the poor brother who's feelings are unimaginable. As I have been praying for them today I am reminded of what a blessing life is. To breath in and out is such a gift. To experience this life with all that comes with it is indescribable. Everyday that we have on this earth is a new opportunity to love those around us and cherish each and every moment that we have with them. I am so thankful for my own family and in light of this tragedy I am overwhelmed with love for my boys. When Caleb was born it took the Nurses about a minute to get him breathing. It was the longest minute of my life as I strained to hear my baby's first breath. When he finally inhaled and gave a little sputter it was the sweetest thing I have ever heard. I am reminded of that today and am so thankful that God breathed life into him. I think I will go give my boys a big hug and squeeze them a little bit tighter than I normally do.

Monday, May 19, 2008

5th Anniversary

This last weekend Brandon took me on a surprise getaway for our anniversary. He is so good to me and amazes me daily with his kindness to me and our boys. I am blessed to know him and even more so to be his chosen one on this journey of life. Brandon took me back to the Napa Valley where we honeymooned 5 years ago. It was really nice to relax and enjoy doing whatever we wanted for a change... (that included a nap in the middle of the day) B had everything planned perfectly. We spent the day at Six flags where he conquered his fear of roller coasters. We ate way too much food, got sunburned and had a great time. Here's to 100 more fabulous years!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

I am very tired tonight as I write this and feeling a little bogged down. Just wanted to take a minute to catch you up on our lives.

Zach is back on the nebulizer and we have now added the steroid treatments as well. He is having such a difficult time breathing and it is really hard to watch.. Please pray that he won't have to be hospitalized.

Last night Brandon and I were sitting down to enjoy some much needed "veg time" and catch up on Lost. (TV Show). We watch the episodes on our computer and so every commercial break we have to get up and click CONTINUE to resume the show. At the first break, B got up and somehow knocked me in the nose... hard. Lets just say it hurts and is swollen and our comforter is now stained a bright shade of red. It could be worse.... I love the color red, and if I'm lucky, I might even be able to milk it on mother's day this year.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Keeper of the Bread

The other day Caleb kept asking for a Banana, but they were looking a little past their prime... so we decided to make some Banana Bread. Caleb was a great little baker... very attentive and serious about it. After we got it in the oven He hovered at the oven door peeking in with a huge grin on his face. He hardly left his post for the whole hour... my little keeper of the bread. Needless to say he was very proud of his budding culinary skills (takes after daddy), and I was impressed by the amount of bread he wanted to consume (takes after me).