Tuesday, March 2, 2010

What we have been dealing with the last week...

A very horrible rash on z's whole body

Pink Eye for the second time in 2 weeks

Brandon and I both got the flu last week and are still feeling pretty gross. B also got pink eye. :) but... we do have

one very crazy and happy boy!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Snow Day

A couple of weeks ago we decided to join some friends for a snow day. We loaded the boys up and drove until we found some snow. We ended up setting up camp on the side of the road in a clearing marked No Trespassing. We didn't notice the sign until the "boys" igloo was nearly complete. I am sure the owner of the property will be pleased by the addition. :) The snow was a bit crusty, but softened up when the sun came out. It was the first time Zach had really ever played in the snow and it was a day of mixed reviews. Overall we had a great time. I am not sure which "children" had the most fun though. Brandon and David played harder than anyone.

Headed to the mountain!

If we bend down our igloo will look even bigger!

Proudly displaying their masterpiece.

Caleb insisted we bring a carrot for the nose and made sure we didn't forget.


Watch out!

Taking a break.