Tuesday, August 19, 2008


There is no time like the present to say...
I am so thankful for these guys!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Our Artists Debut

With all of the smoke hanging around this summer we have been doing a lot of playing inside. This often means I must find creative things for the boys to do. Caleb loves to play with play dough and is getting much better at making things. Zach tried to eat it the first time, but to my delight he didn't find it enjoyable and has started playing with it instead. The boys have also been having fun playing the piano. Today they delighted me with a duet.

Caleb has completed his first painting, (non pudding) which we now proudly display in our kitchen. He doesn't get his creativity from me!

One of the play dough gifts Cabe made me


Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Trip to Seattle

Last weekend Brandon and I left our little men with my parents and drove up to Seattle for my childhood friends wedding! It was a blessing to be able to go just the two of us and enjoy the wedding festivities. We also got to spend some time with Jake and his girlfriend Alia. Here are a few pictures of our trip.

The beautiful bride... Yes she is wearing an apron... Thats my Mikki!

The four of us enjoying a nice dinner WITHOUT KIDS!

The birthday boy